Endo in Vivo Newsletter

Para os que gostam de se manter actualizados com o que a literatura endodôntica vai trazendo de novo à ciência, partilhamos aqui o volume de Janeiro de 2013 do Endo in Vivo, que nos faz uma compilação dos artigos mais relevantes no tema Apexificação, Proteção Pulpar e Apexogénese.

Agradecimento especial ao Dr. Kenneth Serota pela partilha.


18 thoughts on “Endo in Vivo Newsletter

  1. today.Not sure why enduro doesn’t get more aettntion on here, from baja to the 6 days to dakar. The US bike community as a whole should fully back the few Americans that race enduro and do VERY well.Quinn was in his 2nd Dakar. He was going to podium this year (after having a strong outing last year). He can win this event.Back this guy. Lets get him on top in 2013!

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